Free childcare. 100% fun.
When we say we're family-friendly, we really do mean it. That’s why offering FREE group childcare for two to 12-year-old guests has been a top priority for us for as long as we can remember. Run around inside the castle, make new friends over the arts and crafts table or go head-to-head over the X-box.
BIG Country is available to our guests between 2-12 years old.
If you've booked directly with us at Crieff Hydro Hotel or self-catering for one-night or more, you can get two hours of FREE daytime childcare for every night you've booked. Your free session can be booked either on the day of arrival or day of departure, subject to availability.
If you're staying at Murraypark Hotel or if you've booked through a third party (for example, then it's £20.00 for a two-hour session.
BIG Country sessions are two hours:
Bridge sessions will no longer be available.
Any questions, simply email the team at: